Competitors Data The best way to get ahead of your competitors

Search Engine Marketing Optimization

Being on top of the list of the search engines is extremely important for any business since 70% of people that will buy something, will search online first and afterwards will go to a shop and buy the product, just in case she or he does not buy the product straight from the web. The most of people never gets to the second page of the search enginge therefore he importance of being on top of the list.

In other words, he who's company is not on top of a search engine list, it is really hard to get in front of his competitors.

Posicionamiento en Buscadores Web Imagen

We will help so your web site get's to the top of the first search page of the biggest search engines on the world, Google and Yahoo/Bing

If you created a SEM campaigne but it was too expensive and was not showing the expected results, we will take your campaigne and optimized it so it works in the way it should be which is not expensive and totally functional, also we will teach you how to check statistics of your website and the real Return of Investment in Adwords

In case you have never created an online campaigne, we will do it fo you and we will optimize so it get's as much profitable as possible.

On Which Searchy Engines will my Web Site appear?

We specialize on the biggest search engines which are, Google and Yahoo Bing

What will I get for getting into Google and/or Yahoo Bing?

  • Your website will be shown on the firt page of the search engine choosen
  • Your website will have much more traffic
  • Your sales will improve
  • You will see how your investment becames totally profitable

How much would it cost me?

  • Creation of your first Online Campaigne 160.00 € + Tax
  • If the campaigne is new and you invest 125.00 € we will give you 75.00 € to obtain a total of 200.00 €
  • Monthly mantaining and optimization of your campaige: A percentage between the 25% and 10% is charged according to total investment.

Contact us now and we will give you a budget and additional information.

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